Randomized control trials on sclerotherapy for varicose veins

Michel Perrin Vascular Surgery, Unite de Pathologie Vasculaire Jean Kulin, Lyon, France   ABSTRACT Ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy (UGFS) is presently challenging other operative varices treatment. Randomized controlled trials are considered to be solid, evidence-based studies. In varices management, many randomized trials have been published in order to try to determine what the best treatment option is, and they are discussed in this review. Other randomized controlled trials dealing with varices sclerotherapy are analyzed including: (i) sclerosing agent versus placebo; (ii) liquid versus foam; (iii) the type, dose, and concentration of sclerosing agent; (iv) sclerotherapy in patients with or without thrombophilia; … Continue reading Randomized control trials on sclerotherapy for varicose veins