Phlebolymphology N°96 – Editorial
Dear Readers,
In this new issue, Andrew Nicolaides (Cyprus) provides a clear understanding of the actions of micronized purified flavonoid fraction (MPFF) at various pathophysiological stages of chronic venous disease, the mechanisms that underlie its efficacy, and the evidence for clinical applications for symptom relief, reversal of skin changes, healing of leg ulcers, and improving quality of life, with perspectives from the 2018 international guidelines. He emphasizes that MPFF is strongly recommended for the treatment of pain, heaviness, feeling of swelling, functional discomfort, cramps, leg redness, skin changes, edema, and quality of life, as well as for the healing of leg ulcers in patients with chronic venous disease.
In part 2 of his “State of art in lymphedema management” series, Byung-Boong Lee (USA) further discusses the contemporary concepts regarding the management of chronic lymphedema, focusing on the surgical treatment approaches.
Peter Neglen (Cyprus) and Bo Eklöf (Sweden) present the basic principles and the key learning experiences of the European Venous Forum (EVF) HOW and EVF HOW plus courses, which are hands-on training courses on the practical management of patients with venous disease.
Endothermal treatments are now considered the new gold-standard treatment for eliminating venous reflux in patients with chronic venous insufficiency. In a quest to minimize the invasiveness of these procedures, nonthermal techniques that do not require tumescent anesthesia have been developed in the last decade. These new nonthermal and tumescent-less techniques are well tolerated, resulting in equivalent outcomes compared with endothermal ablations. In this review, Raghu Kolluri (USA) discusses the data and the procedural steps on the VenoSeal technique.
Mark Whiteley (UK) summarizes the 15.4-year results from their study on using VNUS Closure radiofrequency ablation on incompetent truncal veins. These results were published in 2017 and the paper highlights the differences between the original VNUS closure techniques and modern endovenous thermal ablation.
Enjoy reading this issue!
Editorial Manager
Dr. H. Pelin Yaltirik