Phlebolymphology N°97 (Vol 26 – N°1 – 2019)
- Specific criteria of the transcutaneous Doppler ultrasound in unusual causes of lower limb varicose veins
Philippe LEMASLE (France), Milka GREINER (France)
Phlebolymphology – 2019 ; 26 (1): 3
- Which venous patients need to be investigated with air plethysmography and why?
Christopher R. LATTIMER (UK), Erika MENDOZA (Germany)
Phlebolymphology – 2019 ; 26 (1): 16
- Clinical characteristics, symptoms, and quality of life evolution in outpatients with chronic venous disease
treated medically or with endovascular procedures: results from the ALIADO and ALIVIO programs
Gabriel BAYONA (Colombia), Miguel RAMIREZ (Colombia)
Phlebolymphology – 2019 ; 26 (1): 26
- Intravascular ultrasound: technique, provided information, and indications
Marzia LUGLI (Italy)
Phlebolymphology – 2019 ; 26 (1): 31
- Compression therapy is not mandatory after lower limb varices endovenous treatment
Jean-Luc GERARD (France)
Phlebolymphology – 2019 ; 26 (1): 37