Phlebolymphology N°92 (Vol 24 – N°2 – 2017)
- Duplex ultrasound investigation in pelvic congestion syndrome: technique and results
Philippe LEMASLE, Milka GREINER (France)
Phlebolymphology – 2017 ; 24 (2): 79
- Stenting as a treatment modality for acute and chronic venous disease
Ayush K. KAPILA, Joe D. T. ESLAND, Adam M. GWOZDZ, Olivia SHARP, Prakash SAHA, Stephen A. BLACK (UK)
Phlebolymphology – 2017 ; 24 (2): 88
- Incidence and location of deep vein thrombosis in the lower extremities: what do we know?
Niels BÆKGAARD (Denmark)
Phlebolymphology – 2017 ; 24 (2): 97
- Anatomy of foot and ankle perforator veins
Jean-François UHL (France), Miguel LO VUOLO (Argentina), Claude GILLOT (France)
Phlebolymphology – 2017 ; 24 (2): 105