Phlebolymphology is a quarterly peer-reviewed publication that aims to provide clinicians with updated information on every aspect of venous and lymphatic disorders, including epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, management, and basic science. Articles are usually review articles on current topics with a broad update on recent developments and their clinical applications.
Phlebolymphology is published as a hard copy and online (
Articles should discuss a topic of current interest, outline recent knowledge on the subject, provide personal views and analyze the different opinions regarding the topic, and cite the latest data from the literature. The article should contain:
- A title page that includes a concise and informative title, the full names of all the authors (first name, middle initial, and last name), the highest academic degrees of all authors (in country of origin language) and affiliations (names of department[s] and institution[s] at the time the work was done), a short running title (no more than 50 characters and spaces), 5 to 10 keywords, the corresponding author’s complete mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address.
- An abstract (200 to 230 words).
- A main text (2800 to 3200 words, not including the references). All references should be cited in the text and numbered consecutively using superscript Arabic numerals. Please do not use the author-date system (see the section on references below).
- A current color photograph (head and shoulder) of the corresponding author (TIF or JPG files at 300 dpi).
- Illustrations are strongly encouraged (for file requirements, see the section on “Figures and Tables” below).
- Videos can be published in the online supplement, if they enhance the print articles. All videos must be approved by the editorial board. Poor-quality or lengthy videos will not be accepted. Videos should be cited in the manuscript (example of a video citation: “See video online for an example of this closure”) and should be no longer than 2 minutes.
The editorial should not exceed 450 words. No abstract, references, or illustrations should be included.
Text: Abbreviations should be used sparingly and expanded at first mention in the abstract, the main text, and legends of all figures and tables. The style of titles and subtitles should be consistent throughout the text. The editorial department reserves the right to add, modify, or delete headings when necessary. Phlebolymphology uses SI (Système International) units and generic names of drugs.
Submission: Manuscripts should be submitted by e-mail to the Editorial Manager (, double-spaced, with 1-inch/2.5-cm margins. All pages should be numbered and submitted in the following order: title page, structural abstract, text, references, and figure, table, and video legends. All texts should be submitted in English.
Citation in text: All references should be cited in the text and numbered consecutively using superscript Arabic numerals.
It is our policy to avoid self-citation; therefore, authors are strongly encouraged to cite references from journals other than Phlebolymphology.
Reference list: Presentation of the references should be based on the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals. Ann Intern Med. 1997;126:36-47 (“Vancouver style”). The author-date system of citation is not acceptable. “In press” references should be avoided. In the bibliography, titles of journals should be abbreviated according to Index Medicus. All authors should be listed for up to 6 authors; if there are more than 6 authors, only the first 3 should be listed, followed by “et al.” Where necessary, references will be styled by the editorial department to Phlebolymphology copyediting requirements. Authors bear total responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of all references and for correct text citation.
Examples of style for references
Journal article with 6 or fewer authors: Vuylsteke ME, Thomis S, Guillaume G, Modliszewski ML, Weides N, Staelens I. Epidemiological study on chronic venous disease in Belgium and Luxembourg: prevalence, risk factors, and symptomatology. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2015;49:432-439.
Journal article with more than 6 authors: Sessa C, Perrin M, Porcu P, et al. Popliteal venous aneurysms: a two-center experience with 21 cases and review of the literature. Int J Angiol. 2000;9:164-170.
Journal article that has been accepted and published online ahead of print: Gulcu A, Ozutemiz C, Ugurlu B, Kose T. Duplex ultrasonography findings are not related to menstrual cycle phases in women with early symptoms of lower extremity chronic venous disease. J Clin Ultrasound. 2015 July 16. Epub ahead of print.
Article in a supplement: Sansilvestri-Morel P, Rupin A, Badier-Commander C, et al. Chronic venous insufficiency: dysregulation of collagen synthesis. Angiology. 2003;(suppl 1):S13-S18.
Chapter in a book: Coleridge Smith PD. The drug treatment of chronic venous insufficiency and venous ulceration. In: Gloviczki P, Yao JST, eds. Handbook of Venous Disorders: Guidelines of the American Venous Forum. 2nd ed. London, UK: Arnold; 2001:309-321.
Web-based material: Nicolaides AN. Investigation of chronic venous insufficiency: a consensus statement. American Heart Association, 2000. Accessed October 17, 2005.
Presentation at a conference: Jantet G. Epidemiological results of the RELIEF study across different continents. Paper presented at: 15th World Congress of the Union Internationale de Phlébologie; October 2-7, 2005; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Figures should be of good quality or professionally prepared, with the proper orientation indicated when necessary (eg, “top” or “left”), and be identified by Arabic numerals (eg, Figure 2). Tables should be identified by Roman numerals (eg, Table I). Provide each table and figure on a separate sheet.
- Legends must be provided with all illustrations, including expansion of all abbreviations used (even if they are already defined in the text). All figures and tables should be numbered and cited in the text.
- The copyright information regarding the figures and tables should be stated for each.
- Color photographs should be saved as TIF or JPG files at 300 dpi at 5 inches (12.5 cm) in width.
- New line drawings should be prepared in PowerPoint without embedded images from other sources. Existing line drawings should be scanned at 1200 dpi at a minimum of 5 inches in width and saved as EPS files.
- Videos should be in .mp4 files type.
Duplicate content detection software
All contributions to Phlebolymphology should be original articles. All manuscripts are run through iThenticate ( for verification.
Editorial processing: All manuscripts are copyedited according to the guidelines of the latest edition of the American Medical Association Manual of Style, Oxford University Press; the spelling used is American (reference dictionaries: latest editions of Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary and Stedman’s Medical Dictionary).
Proofs: Page proofs will be sent to the corresponding author for approval in PDF format by e-mail. Authors who wish to receive a hard copy of their proofs should contact the editorial offices upon receipt of the proofs by e-mail. Author corrections should be returned within 72 hours by e-mail or fax. If this deadline is not met, the editorial department will assume that the author accepts the proofs as they stand. Authors are responsible for all statements made in their work, including changes made by the editorial department and authorized by the author.
In case the Author fully reproduces or closely adapts previously copyrighted works (such as excepts, tables or figures) and/or has previously assigned copyrights to a third party (such as the Author’s own previously published work), he/she shall inform SERVIER of the name of the copyright holder in a sufficient time period so that SERVIER will be in position, if they so wish, to obtain the authorization from the copyright holder to be able to use the documents in a satisfactory manner.
Requests for permission to reproduce material published in Phlebolymphology should be sent directly to the editorial office (